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Alex in motion

A journal of curiousity & travel

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Cape Town, Part 2

The second half of Cape Town, lasting just under 2 weeks, was a little different than the first half. The biggest change was spending much more time with locals, the most special of which was Barbara. About 50 years ago, my mom traveled through Greece and met a wonderful and energetic young girl from South […]


With so much free time, I’ve started to feel guilty for not spending it more productively. Instead of working on a plan for world domination, mornings are spent sleeping in late and surfing the web. Then I wander down to the beach to read, usually followed by drinks at a cafe. Later in the evening […]

Cape Town, Part 1

Flying for 25 hours with 3 layovers is not something anyone would consider a pleasant time, but good company can change all of that. Meeting Kim, a South African teacher on the flight from Soa Paulo, Brazil to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, made the hop across the pond much more enjoyable. It started by celebrating her birthday, […]

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